Best Schools in Sacramento

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Buying a home in Sacramento?  You're probably wondering what the schools are like in Sacramento neighborhoods. 

Clients often asked me how the schools are about the schools in different Sacramento neighborhoods.  As a professional Realtor, I can't answer this question,  Deciding which school to send one's kids is a highly personal decision, with many factors at play, and my opinion in the matter is of no consequence.  

As importantly, I'm not able to weigh in on the question of schools because I can't steer you to one neighborhood over another.  It's illegal and an ethical violation.  My job is to provide you with as much factual information as possible so that you can make the best decision for you and your family.  I recently discovered a tool l that provides statistical information like student/teacher ratio, average GPA and test scores along with reviews that are posted online.  If you'd like this type of information about any of the schools that you're considering in the greater Sacramento region, just let me know and I'm happy to run the reports and send them to you.